Focal Point eSolutions hosted a Search Engine Optimization (i.e., Great SEO) brown bag session with local small businesses at the Ft Walton Beach Small Busines Development Center on 17 October 2012. This educational session was designed to help small businesses better understand specifics associated with defining good SEO to support better internet marketing of their business.

Information presented included the following:

  • What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Why Do We Care About Google?
  • How to Choose Effective Keywords or Key-Phrases
  • The Importance of Creating Fresh / Unique Content Using Keywords
  • The Importance of Optimizing the Meta Description / Title and URL with Keyword(s)
  • How to Take Advantage of Other Simple HTML Opportunities
  • How to Detect and Eliminate Broken Links and Error pages
  • Steps to Verify & Submit an XML Sitemap to Search Engines
  • How to Build (and ways not to build) Links to your Website
  • The Importance of Continuing to Develop Website Content

Other Simple but Great SEO Tweaks Were Offered as well as links to Must-Use SEO Resources.

Focal Point eSolutions Builds Websites that Build Business! We love working with local small businesses to provide a custom, professional internet presence that current and prospective customers will find. If Focal Points can be of assistance to your small business, please contact us at (850) 428-1467.